Here's a selection of stories from our new book that comes out on the 29th October. We firstly presented to the staff at Atlas House on Friday and tomorrow we are at University of South Wales. The next six months is going to be really busy because we have SLaM Learning Disability Champions Conference, Suffolk and Norfolk, Berkshire, Dudley, Belfast and Berlin!
Note to the reader
This book has been put together over a six month period. We have written or edited many books over the last twenty years and the time frame from conception to publication is generally two years. So this may look like a mish mash, you may even find the odd typo or something may have got lost in translation. Many people have been assisted by friends and carer’s in different ways. This is why the style changes, so we accommodate everybody’s preferred style of communication.
We are hearing stories from people in a variety of different situations, such as workplaces, family homes or supported living. Some individual stories are from people who currently are patients or staff in Assessment and Treatment Units or Medium Secure Units. It is our strong belief that everyone has the right to speak up and be heard and this should respected. Everybody has a voice and everybody matters whoever they are, wherever they are or whatever mental health problem the person has.
Peter, Matthew and Steve

We apologise for the sideway photo of Pete. I assure you he is standing up in the presentation and also Janice who is on a later slide.

The book will be launched on Eventbrite - please find details on my twitter!

These are the platforms we used to get the stories.

We have stories from 13 countries which are in 5 continents!

We interviewed many people from these three organisations and we thanks them from the bottom of our hearts.

So there's a snippet from the book. We truly thank everyone who took the time to send us their story or be interviewed by us. Gratitude is our attitude!

Hi, 1 - wandering albatross 2 - Leeds 3 - Burji Khalifa in Dubai. :)
Hi, 1 is 3 no2 is Into tomorrow, 3 is Phil Jupitus😊
3, into tomorrow, Phil jupitus 😊