Peter Cronin
My point of view

Welcome to my webpage. This is more story and I'm a member of Lewisham Speaking Up Group where I am the representative for employment. I also at Hither Green Co-Op. I train staff with Eddie and Steve. Sandra is my girlfriend.
I believe in:
Equality for all
Everyone has a voice and should be heard
Treat everyone with respect
Do not judge people because of the colour of their skin, their sexuality, age or gender
Everyone has skills regardless if they have a learning disability or are the Prime Minister
My trip to Finland
In September 2023 I had the privilege of going to a congress in Helsinki, Finland. I travelled there with my friends Eddie and Steve. We also met Heidi, Anca, Karina, Maggie and Ruwani. I gave a key note speech with Eddie and it went down so well. We also did a symposium with Steve, Maggie, Ruwani and Karina. Here are some photos.