"Peter and friends talk about covid-19: for people with intellectual or learning disabilities and/or autism"

During the early stages of the pandemic services had to change their practice at a very fast pace. For example Steve wasn’t allowed into any inpatient services because as his role is not essential to day to day care. Outreach services, advocacy groups, community nurses had to adjust the way they worked. For example Pete normally goes out with his support team to do things like shopping, paying bills etc. but these activities were not allowed due to the lockdown. So during these challenging times they had to meet him with an open window with the support worker standing in his garden. Other organisations like Advocacy, CLDT teams, charities had to organise meetings with people via telephone or zoom.
Both Pete and Steve think that all these services went the extra mile to protect people with learning disabilities and support them to adjust to the new world. We would like to thank everyone in advocacy, outreach, CLDTs, charities, NHS etc for all of their hard work and dedication.
We would like to especially thank the following:
Access for Living
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Speaking Up
The Tuesday Group
We would like to sincerely apologise to Janice whose story appears in Wales under expert by experience. She did not 'have a go at' or 'row with' her GP surgery. She is the most polite and positive person that I have ever met. So please accept this apology.
I never give up! I asked my co-editor Matt, if he or his mother would sing a positive song at the launch. I got no reply, which is not unusual for Matt not responding - I'm not blaming Matt because if you know me I have a habit of over communicating, it's been raised in every supervision since I had the stroke in 2014. So I choose a different approach, I asked Matt if Cardiff University Vox, of which he is an active and important member would be interested in contributing to a positive song to the event and here is the proof!