A blog by Lloyd Page

I was kindly invited by Sarah Offley from Dudley Voices for Choices to host the Positive Voices self-advocacy conference in Birmingham.
I was at the conference in 2022, so I was delighted to be asked to host the whole day this year!

I was sorry to hear that my friend and colleague Steve Hardy was very ill just before the conference. This meant a last minute change of plan, as we were going to go to the conference together.
Instead, I went with the guys from Lewisham Speaking Up and we travelled together on the train from Euston.

Hosting the conference was brilliant and I had to be on my toes as there were a few last minute changes to the running order.
The speakers were all good, but some were more accessible than others. Personally I liked hearing from Richard Keegan-Bull from Kingston University. I also really enjoyed the dance session from Dance Team.

It was great to see many friends, including Sean Ledington, who I haven’t seen for a long time. I managed to tell some jokes, which I love to do and we had a great lunch.
Overall, I had a lovely time and I was very tired on the way home. I’m already looking forward to next year’s conference!